International Nursing Case Study - Tenzin Tsephel

International Nursing Case Study - Tenzin Tsephel

We spoke to Tenzin Tsephel, a nurse from India who we helped place at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Hi Tenzin, what made you want to apply for a nursing role in the UK?

"I believe nursing is a continuous learning process and migrating to the UK gave me an opportunity to grow in knowledge of the nursing industry.”

How did you hear about Migrate?

"I came to know about Migrate from one of my friends who has been lucky to be guided and relocated to the UK by Migrate.”

What difficulties or challenges did you face in relocating to the UK?

"My main challenge was making up the final decision to take the step of trusting an agency to handle the process of submitting my CV and arranging an interview.

“However, all my difficulties were solved throughout the process by excellent communication from Migrate.”

What was the support like from Migrate?

“Migrate has been very supportive and encouraging throughout the process. I had lots of doubts regarding applications, visa, accommodation, interview and so on. But everything went smoothly thanks to the Migrate team.”

How did you feel when you arrived in the UK?

“I was anxious when I first arrived in the UK. However, the people here are very welcoming and polite. I was able to adjust quite fast.”

Do you have any advice or suggestions for others like you who would like to relocate to the UK for a nursing role?

“I would suggest others to not shy away from the opportunity and dreaming like me.”

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